For those of you who think you know Winston Churchill, you are probably wrong... He was not, as we are taught, a talking dog on TV adverts, nor was he the Prime Minister (twice). He was in fact an American GI and bore a striking resemblance to Christian Slater... The bloke you think you know as Churchill was a propaganda tool whose real name was Roy Bubbles. The real Churchill was the man who stole the German's enigma coding machine and foiled Hitler's plot to move into Buckingham Palace and marry one of the Windsor kids. Oh, and he also single handedly, along with his black comrade-in-arms Denzil Eisenhower, won the Battle of Britain for us which was jolly kind of him. Kudos Mr. Churchill
Photograph Details: Nikon DD7000 Focal length 55mm ISO-100 exp: 1/40 f11
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