Monday, 30 April 2012

Message regarding recent posts disappearing...

Hi all!

Those of you who frequent this blog regularly will have noticed today that several posts with the tags "Tamron" and "Tamron 70-300mm Macro" have disappeared. I'm not quite sure why this happened but I suspect it was my fault. I was doing some work behind the scenes if you like and I think I deleted them...

So, what have I done about it?

Luckily, Google posts your images to picasa web albums and you can download all your data through the Google dashboard. This I found to be very useful! It meant I have recovered all my images in one handy zip file, but I have a horrible feeling that the text associated with each image is gone for all eternity. I attempted to recover cached versions of the pages but this has not helped...

So how can you see them again?

I'll post them in approximately the same order as before and with the relevant tags. If I can find the EXIF data I'll include that as well for you. For the more recent posts, I copied the text from my Feedburner RSS feed into a word document so hopefully the post titles and text can be copied straight in. The email subscription only comes out once a day so it won't clutter your inbox as all the posts from the previous 24 hours will be put into the one email.

If you don't already subscribe by email, but would like to click here:

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Sorry for the mess up, I hope to be up and running again in the next few days.

All the best,

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