Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Happy St Knut's Day

St. Knut's Day is a holiday celebrated in Sweden and Finland on January 13. Although King Knut has been suggested to originate from Denmark, it is not a national holiday in that country. King Knut, or more commonly, Canute IV of Denmark, who ruled Denmark from 1080 - 1086 and who claimed the throne of England, is honoured as a saint for his virtue and generosity. He declared that Christmas should be celebrated for twenty days, officially ending the season on 13 January. The days between Christmas and Saint Knut's Day are filled with celebrations. Christmas trees are taken down on St. Knut's Day, and the candies and cookies that decorated the tree are eaten.

St Knut's feast day is recognised by the Roman Catholic Church as being on 19 January.

The Oxford Dictionary of Saints. Ed David High Farmer. Oxford University Press, 2004. See the entry on St Canute.

Photograph Details: Nikon D40. Focal Length: 20mm, exposure 1/60 sec, ISO-200 F-stop f/3.8

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