Saturday, 27 December 2008

First Frost

After waiting weeks for any sign of the dreary rain to stop and a clear blue wintery sky to come I woke up this morning to finally be satisfied - the belated first frost had arrived! So before the sun rose too high and melted it all I grabbed my kit and toddled on to Hunters Hill Quarry in Lancashire.

There wasn't much around to photograph except an old coke bottle and the view.

This is a picture of some grass with the frost drapped over it.

Photograph details: Nikon D40, Opteka o.2x magnification fish eye lens adapter. Focal Length: 18mm, exposure 1/125 sec, F-stop f/5.6

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  1. Hi ! very nice pictures you got here,it seems you like to experiment w/photography ,just like me, and the results are amazing (not like mine...).I just add you to the links in my photoblog, Happy 09 !
    Fernando from Buenos Aires ,Argentina

  2. Thank you! I find that experimentation is the best way to improve. I have a lot of photos on my computer which will probably never be seen by anyone but myself and no doubt there are many which will be seen when they shouldn't be! Either way the best things to do are to play around with different lenses and settings and see what you can come up with.

    Thanks for the kind words, and happy new year to you too!

  3. Thanks for visiting and I like what I see here. Was this done with a doubler? I love the effect that you achieved. Fantastic shot!

  4. No it wasn't done with a doubler, as my understanding is. I used a 0.2x magnification fish eye lens that actually attaches to the filter screw on the front of the lens. The lens' focal length was 18mm, so with the fisheye adapter I guess technically it should have dropped down to 3.6mm - if that's the way it works?


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